Tom Trago Relaunches Voyage Direct with Dexter's 'In Your Eyes'

It’s always a good day when we get to talk to Tom Trago. We are big fans here at Nightclubber and are thrilled to put 13Qs to the uber talented producer, demon DJ, and founder of Voyage Direct label and holistic artist movement. This week Voyage Direct returns after a seven year break with a release by Dutch legend Dexter. The relaunch is supported by a new event series which kicks off on Friday 30th August at Amsterdam’s Shelter.
RA: Shelter presents: Tom Trago XXX at Shelter Amsterdam, Amsterdam · Tickets
At what point in your life did you decide you were going to start Voyage Direct?
I decided to start Voyage Direct when I began receiving more and more music from producer friends of mine. I was amazed by the music and couldn’t believe that it hasn’t been released yet. At that time, there was a lot of energy bubbling in Amsterdam and throughout Holland. Many of the producers were friends, and I felt a strong urge to channel (canalise) their music through me.
What was the mission of Voyage Direct in the early days?
The mission of Voyage Direct in the early days was to create a platform where both young and established producers could collectively explore and define the contemporary Dutch electronic sound.
What was the first release on the label?
The first release on Voyage Direct was the ‘Not he Only One’ EP from Dexter.
Which of the Voyage Direct releases made the biggest impact?
There are many Voyage Direct Releases that made an impact across various scenes. However, the biggest impact was on young artists, helping them to build and develop their careers.
Of course, ‘Use Me Again’ still has an impact haha.
Was there a release that was amazing - may have gone under the radar - that we should check?
Personally, I am a big fan of Tracey’s track ‘Skyfall’. Be sure not to miss this one!
What made Voyage Direct stand apart from other imprints at that time?
I think it was its sense of community – it was essentially a group of friends releasing music on the label. The sound really defined an era and captured the essence of Dutch electronic heritage."

Who are some of your favourite artists you’ve had on the label?
That's a hard question... I’m really honored to have such a broad range of artists on the label, from beginners to professionals. Each one brings something unique that I’m a fan of, so I’d say they are all my favorites.
How does Voyage Direct go about sourcing new artists and music for the label?
Most of it is done in the studio, which I visit personally. I spend a lot of my time in other people’s work environments, listening to their demos and checking their music.
What are the hallmarks of a Voyage Direct release?
It needs to have a certain b-boy attitude and is certainly synth-driven.
Tell us about the first release in the new launch from Dexter?
It wouldn't be more appropriate to ask the legend Dexter himself to reopen the series after the break, as he is still one of Holland's finest producers. I’m so happy that he reinvented the first release on Voyage Direct with his new EP.
What other artists do you plan to release with in the coming year?
We have some releases in the pipeline from Maxi Mill, Papi Gabi, Willem Mulder and Tom Trago. Stay tuned for some big news.
What does the future looks like for the label?
Once again, we take on the challenge to showcase what's happening in the Dutch electronic scene by working with young talents and digging through the archives of legends. Also, with this second Voyage, we will be connecting more with our international producer friends.
How will you be marking the re launch of Voyage Direct?
We’ll be celebrating the re-launch of Voyage Direct and Dexter’s new EP with a special event at Shelter on August 30th. This event marks the debut of my new series, ‘Tom Trago XXX’. The concept is to have me playing all night, with three special guests joining me for B2B sets at various points during the party. Expect to see Voyage Direct artists on the line up as well. I’m excited for the first party and looking forward to the special edition during ADE.